Insurance Coordinator/Imaging Specialist
My job involves anything related to insurance and financial matters, such as filing insurance claims for the treatment patients receive and processing insurance payments. I also take X-rays and radiographs. I’m licensed as a radiologist by the Ohio State Dental Board and have been working with Beavercreek Orthodontics since 2002. I love working with Dr. Michelle and co-workers because we are a fun office and give quality care to our patients. We are a close team, like family. We all have very common goals for our patients.
My husband Don and I have two children: Jordan and Hayley. We also have two dogs, Henley and Chandler. We all love hanging out together, outdoors when possible! Jordan loves basketball and Haley loves spending time with her horse. Our favorite place to vacation together is Panama City Beach, FL because we all love the beach and also because my mom lives there.